“Traveling with Your Smartphone”
Total Tech Club Members = 65 Members | March 13th Meeting Attendance = 12
By Steve Simpson, Club Officer
The Tech Club meets the Second Monday Evening of each month from 7 to 8 PM in Room 104 at the Creative Arts Technology Center. We have No Dues and Attendance is Open for any Robson Resident who is interested in anything that is Tech Relatedregardless of what they own or understand but have a desire to learn more about. As an enhancement to our TechClub Members we are now offering a Presenter Video Recording that can be accessed through membership in *formerly known as Yahoo Groups* at and our New Website at

Our March 13th Meeting was hosted by Steve Simpson with a Presentation on “Traveling with Your Smart Phone”. This meeting was how to use Strategy for Traveling with your Smartphone as Presented by Scott Kelby of
We had a Robust Number ocf Robson Attendees who had many questions about how to Best Use their Camera Phone when they Travel. Major Presentation Topics Included Shoot with Intention | Low Light | Exposure Compensation | Go Ultrawide | Optical Zoom | Photographing Food | Panoramas | Cleaning Your Lenses | Portrait Mode & Top Tips.
Our next General Session is on April 10th 2023, we are working to have a CoServ Representative to be our Guest Presenter.
We hope to see everyone then.