Attendees includes as follows...Steve Simpson (President) Front and to the Right | Mike Weaver (Presenter) Back and to the Right with all the others as early arrivals.

The Last Tech Club General Session was held as follows... MONDAY | MARCH 10TH | 7:00 PM | ROOM 104 (BLUEBONNET) | CREATIVE ARTS BUILDING (CATC)

Steve Pinn (Club Associate) provided a quick up to a recent article from WSJ...see below.

Mike Weaver (Presenter and Electric Car Expert) had the following agenda..."What’s important about them" | "What about cost, batteries, charging and range". Mike's Presentation was informative as well as interactive and he encouraged attendees to stay after the meeting if they wished to drive or ride in his Tesla Model Y.

This meeting was open to any Home-Owner at Robson Ranch.At our April 14th General Meeting Session, we plan to continue our x-Box Game Night with focus on Driving Games.

Any questions please contact Steve Simpson 817-919-1065 or