By Steve Simpson, President
The Drone Club meets the Forth Monday Evening of each month from 7 to 8 PM in Room 104 at the Creative Arts Technology Center. We have No Dues and Attendance is Open for any Robson Resident who is interested in anything that is Drone Relatedregardless of what they own or understand but have a desire to learn more about. We encourage all attendees to join our FREE Membershipin Groups.IO at httpshttps://groups.io/g/rrdroneclub and to visit our Website at https://robsontech.club/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-robson-recreational-drone-pilot/

The Presentation was focused on “Presenting what is Necessary for a Robson Recreational Pilot to Ensure that all the Necessary Preparations Have Been Completed Before an Actual Drone Flight”.
We had a good group of Robson Attendees who interacted during the Drone Club Presentation with the following Agenda that included “PRE-FLIGHT LOG & MAP” | “PRE-FLIGHT CHECKLIST” | “TRUST TEST CERT” | “DRONE REG CERT | DRONE ID STICKER” & “CBO GUIELINES”.
PLEASE NOTE…There will be a drawing for a DJI Mini Drone with best chance to win by attending our November Meeting (More Details will be Provided at our November Meeting).
Our Next Meeting will be held on Monday, November 23rd starting at 7:00 pm in Room 104 at the Creative Arts and Technology Center (9404 Ed Robson Blvd) where we will be hearing from a Commercial Drone Pilot who recently purchased the new DJI Mini4 Pro that he has incorporated into his Drone Business
We hope to see everyone then.