“Robson Drone Pilots Fly In…Image Contest Results”

By Steve Simpson, Club Officer
The Drone Club meets the Forth Monday Evening of each month from 7 to 8 PM in Room 104 at the Creative Arts Technology Center. We have No Dues and Attendance is Open for any Robson Resident who is interested in anything that is Drone Relatedregardless of what they own or understand but have a desire to learn more about. As an enhancement to our DroneClub Members we are now offering a Presenter Video Recording that can be accessed through membership in Groups.io *formerly known as Yahoo Groups* at https://rrtxtech.groups.io/g/main and our New Website at https://robsontech.club/tag/drone/
Our October 24th Meeting was hosted by Jerry Schlesinger (Judge). This meeting was our First Annual Robson Resident “Fly-In” with Image Capture Contest

Attendees = 6 | Members 31
We had a Nice Attendance from Robson Drone Pilots who submitted their two images from the September Meeting. Jerry Schlesinger (Robson Photo Club Member) went through all the images submitted and provided comments and suggestions on how to improve their images as well as strategy going forward for improving our Drone Shots
Google Slide Show Below
Unfortantely we had to fire our Video Director as he recorded the meeting in time lapse...hopefully that postion will be filled befor our November Meeting
At our November 28th General Session Starting at 7 PM in Room 104 we have a Commercial Business Pilot Coming in to talk to us about how he got started and what he is doing currently in the industry
We hope to see everyone then.