“DAY TRIPPER…Smartphone Technology For Capturing Denton Area Hot Spots”!

By Steve Simpson, President
The Tech Club meets the Second Monday Evening of each month from 7 to 8 PM in Room 104 at the Creative Arts Technology Center. We have No Dues and Attendance is Open for any Robson Resident who is interested in anything that is Tech Relatedregardless of what they own or understand but have a desire to learn more about. We establish our membership in Groups.io at https://rrtxtech.groups.io/g/main and our Website is https://robsontech.club
Day Tripper...Capturing Denton Area Hotspots with a Smartphone
“DAY TRIPPER”... Smartphone Technology For Capturing Denton Area Hot Spots Steve Simpson, Host Tech Club Monday September 11th, 2023 RR CATC RM104