"CoServ Energy Audit"

“Meet Your CoServ Energy Audit Representatives”
By Steve Simpson, Club Officer
The Tech Club meets the Second Monday Evening of each month from 7 to 8 PM in Room 104 at the Creative Arts Technology Center. We have No Dues and Attendance is Open for any Robson Resident who is interested in anything that is Tech Relatedregardless of what they own or understand but have a desire to learn more about. We establish our membership in Groups.io *formerly known as Yahoo Groups* at https://rrtxtech.groups.io/g/main and our Website at https://robsontech.club/tag/tech_club/
Our May8th Meeting Main Topic was “Meet Your CoServ Energy Audit Representative”. This meeting was an open forum for any of the attendees to ask any questions regarding how to reduce their home energy consumption via a FREE CoServ Energy Audit.

We had a Full Room of Robson Attendees who had many questions about the following Major Topics that Included How to Sign Up for the Energy Audit | What Can I Expect After the Energy Audit is Completed | I own a Google NEST Smart Thermostat so how to apply for the RUSH Hour Reward Rebate | Number way to Reduce Home Energy Consumption.
Our next General Session is on June 12th, 2023, we will be featuring “Cut the Cable…You Can Do This”!
We hope to see everyone then.