Alternate Power for the Robson Home Owner

Our September 12th Meeting was hosted by Steve Simpson (Club Officer). Steve’s PresentationMain Topic was “Alternate Power for the Robson Resident. Steve offered an In-depth Presentation on all aspects of Alternate Power including my personal experiences on purchasing “Generac Back Up Generator | Roof Solar Panels |Generark Solar Generator for the Home”
There was much open dialog and interactive discussion during the meeting including questions regarding the following “Daily Cost of Natural Gas to Run Whole House with the Generac Back Up Generator”...”Solar Panel Durability against Hail ”…”Installing Your Own Solar Panel and Placing into the CoServ Grid” “ Power Draw of a Freezer or Freezer” and ”Cleaning of Solar Panels after Several Years”
Our Next General Meeting Session is scheduled for October 10th at the Creative Arts Technology Center Room 104 and we are still working on a Meeting Presenter and Presentation.